In late November of 2023, Niagara Regional Police began a theft investigation in Welland, which determined that a member of the public had entered a store to purchase some items. When in the store he set down a bag he had been carry that contained over $5000 cash. The complainant mistakenly walked away from the bag. When they realized what had happened the complainant returned minutes later to find the bag was gone. Two females were observed picking up and leaving the store with bag. On November 26, the NRPS issued a media release relating to this investigation. On December 28, a member of the public attended the front desk at the NRPS office in Welland. They reported that the two females had been briefly staying with him and that they had recently returned to Mexico. The member of the public saw that the NRPS was investigating a theft and recognized the women. He further was able to locate the missing black bag left behind in his residence. The member of the public turned over $5500. The NRPS would also like to thank the member of the public for their honesty and integrity for turning the money over to be returned to the rightful owner.