
Advertise With Us!

Our sales team will effectively address the needs of your business within your budget through a customized advertising strategy that is designed and developed to reach your core audience. 

Whether its the morning drive or the afternoon/evening commute,  our sales team is equipped to execute an advertising plan customized to you and your business. Our advertising toolbox includes:

  • Program Sponsorships
  • Segment Sponsorships
  • Run of Schedule Campaigns
  • Live Read Tags
  • On-Location Broadcasts
  • Integrated On-Air Content
  • Commercial Production
  • Contests and Promotions
  • Social Media Integration and Distribution
  • Online Integration

Media Kit Request

We’re Selling Website Ad Banners

Here are some potential benefits of running an ad banner on the CFAJ Classic 1220 radio station website:

Targeted Audience: CFAJ Classic 1220 is a local radio station, which means that running an ad banner on their website can help you reach a targeted audience in the Niagara Region who are interested in local news, events, and businesses.

Increased Exposure: By running an ad banner on CFAJ’s website, you can increase your brand’s exposure and visibility to potential customers who may not have otherwise been aware of your business.

There is an example of one of our banner ads at the top of the page.

Please contact Classic 1220 Sales Manager 905-684-1220