Niagara Region Budget Review Committee of the Whole has approved a zero-budget increase for waste management services. As a result, most residents will see a decrease in their waste management special levy because some of the cost will be covered by assessment growth. The gross waste management budget for 2024 is $51.5 million with the net recoverable from taxpayers of $45.2 million, the same as in 2023. Costs for waste services are allocated to municipalities based on the number of residential units and primarily charged to residents based on special tax rates established for municipalities by the Region and applied to assessed value of households.
There is no increase in the 2024 budget, however some municipalities may still see the total cost for their municipality increase for what will mostly be covered by new development occurring in growth communities, resulting in no increase to existing residents. The average Niagara household can expect to pay in the range of $146 to $198 per year in 2024 compared to the $147 to $205 range paid in 2023 depending on the municipality you live in.
The 2024 budget is the first under the Extended Producer Responsibility framework. Over the coming weeks, Council will deliberate the General Levy-operating budget, which provides funding for the other business of Niagara Region such as public health, long-term care, emergency services, roads, and economic development and four of its boards and agencies and pays for investments that support economic prosperity, quality of life and our natural environment.