Local Port Colborne Senior wins $24,695. Uses winnings for home repairs and gives back to Port Cares

For Isabell Lott of Port Colborne, there were plenty of tears of joy on New Year’s Day when the long-time Port Colborne senior received the phone call from Port Cares CEO Christine Clark Lafleur to tell her that she was the winner of $24,695 from the 2023 Port Cares Holiday 5050 draw. Mrs. Lott, a retired widow, has long supported Port Cares. She intends to use the winnings to make needed home repairs and treat herself to a trip abroad to visit family that she hasn’t seen in many years.

Port Cares 5050 is a vital fundraising initiative that helps the local charity raise the necessary money to deliver important services and programs which relieve the burdens of poverty for low income families and individuals struggling to make ends meet.

The biggest draw winner so far took home almost $43,000 and the total for all 11 draws held since the lottery began $353,185 has been won through jackpot winnings and another $25,600 in early bird prizes.

This holiday season Port Cares provided a traditional Christmas dinner and gifts to 201 local residents and ensured that 632 people living in poverty – of which 559 are children woke up to toys, clothes, food and assorted gifts on Christmas Day.

Port Cares next 50/50 draw, Spring Ka-Ching, kicks off on Monday, April1, with all proceeds funding the Port cares Reach Out Centre Food Bank, meal program and family support services.