John Belcastro Honoured by Niagara U

Niagara Catholic has announced that John Belcastro, principal of the Board’s Continuing Education and Alternative Learning programs, received Niagara University’s prestigious Ozanam Medal during its annual Vincentian Heritage Week celebrations. Belcastro received his award during the university’s Annual Convocation in the Alumni Chapel September 28. The Ozanam Medal is one of four awards presented during the event and is given in to individuals who exemplify the mission and charity of its patron saint, St. Vincent de Paul. In its newsletter spotlighting the 2023 honourees, Niagara University noted that Belcastro, a graduate of Notre Dame College School in Welland, ultimately returning there after a short stint teaching in Bowmanville. Prior to assuming his leadership role at the Niagara Catholic virtual secondary school during the COVID shutdown, Belcastro was vice-principal at Saint Michael Catholic High School, Saint Paul Catholic High School, Holy Cross Catholic Secondary School, and Notre Dame College School. In his current assignment, Belcastro oversees Niagara Catholic’s Continuing Education program, as well as the Board’s Pope Francis Alternative Learning Centre, Saint Kateri Tekakwitha elementary and secondary schools for Indigenous students and the Board’s Soaring Eagles program.